love a sinner hate sin not enough
Loving the sinner and hating this sin isn’t enough…
Charles Spurgeon said, “There must be a divorce between you and sin, or there can be no marriage between you and Christ.” Loving the sinner but hating the sin isn’t a complete statement. It doesn’t fully initiate a divorce from sin so a marriage can ensue. You see Spurgeon also said “Grace does not choose a man and leave him as he is.” When we say love the sinner hate the sin, what are you doing about the sin? If you are “loving” people so they stay the same then they aren’t encountering the love of Christ through you. I get that’s a strong statement. But it doesn’t make it untrue.
Unless a sinner encounters the grace of Christ, when they live in fellowship and accountability with other Christians who will Love the sinner and hate the sin so much that we won’t let our brothers continue in that sin and not miss heaven, then we are not helping with the divorce from sin; we are applying cheap grace that leaves no person changed. In your relationships this week help them pursue a loving marriage with Christ.
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