Bill Craig | Services
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How can Bill serve you, your non-profit, business or church's needs?

Church Planting

Bill is able to offer coaching and consulting to help you develop strategies for church growth, disciple making and church planting. He has been consulting churches and leadership teams on disciple making strategies and assessing churches for over two decades and brings a great deal of energy and experience to encourage and asist you and your team. For over two decades, he has planted successful church plants, non-profits, fostered missions opportuities around the world, designed teaching series and  teaching teams, to carry on ministry. He has worked with churches who thought they were at the end of their life and with God’s intervention discovered new vibrant life.  Bill would be glad to talk with you or your team.


Bill will go deep with your team and church to unlock insight and find the courage to act in global and local missions. He brings the right people together to challenge established thinking and drive transformation for the kingdom of God. Working together you will discover creative and sustainable Mission avenues in an ever changing landscape that requires a never changing gospel to reach it.


Bill loves working with savvy entrepreneurs starting for-profits or non-profits. He is committed to fulfill the Great Commission and to strengthen the local church by providing relevant advice and concrete action plans to the congregations. I can analyze current conditions of the church, and offer relevant and specific proposals for future improvements. Bill also works with missionaries who are a looking at starting businesses and non-profit programs such as small business loans or just needing accountability and mentoring.


With over two decades of speaking and preaching experience, Bill is available to speak at conferences and events on any number of related subjects. He’s also available to speak to your church on missions, evangelism, church health and biblical studies. He loves to speak to church planters and families about healthy families and ministry principles that shape our gospel future.


Bill’s masters degree in Theology, Missions and Marketing serves him well when it comes to helping your church or non-profit craft a brand and marketing plan whether you are just starting out or are looking to re-brand your organization.

Bill has planted four growing church plants and started a non-profit doing all the branding and marketing himself while creating multiple streams of revenue to maintain a healthy future.


Serving as Sports Director has provided Bill the ability to help you start your sports program or sports camps from the ground up, from branding, team development to field care. If you are looking at developing a sports outreach ministry that is gospel focused Bill can help you work through the process with you.