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church Tag

A hou$e in order

We must manage the organization where people gather to worship, be on mission, planting churches, sending mission teams around the world, supporting human resources, marketing, building permits, easements, fundraising, tax law, corporation regulations, irrigation, and fire codes are all part of creating a launching...

1 people, 2 cities, 1 church

A tale of one people and two cities (Gilead/Jerusalem) and the story that takes them to be one church in Christ. There may be some burdens you've carried that you need to let go of, some battles you still need to fight, in order to claim the...

Why Pray & Fast?

Let's look at a biblical context for it: Barnabas and Saul Sent Off 13 Now there were in the church at Antioch prophets and teachers, Barnabas, Simeon who was called Niger,[a] Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen a lifelong friend of Herod the tetrarch, and Saul.2 While they were worshiping the...

Why Elders? Why Not?

I’m convinced that plural-elder-led congregationalism is a healthier alternative to four polities that are very common among Free Church evangelicals. Now we are going to take months of seminars and small groups and Sunday teachings to go over this. Our deacons began reading up on...

Atonement and the Church

I am reading Barth's "Epistle to the Romans," when I came across this article: "7 Churches Jesus Did Not Die For." I couldn't help but examine it in light of Barth's Epistle to the Romans. Now the article title catches your eye, and I appreciated...

A Heuristic Apathy (2 Timothy 4)

A personal encounter with God can't take place in a cognitive vacuum, yet one of the things most people like to do least, vacuum, has become a common heuristic in their faith and belief system. One might say a heuristic apathy has been propagated. In psychology, "heuristics are...

What matters most to God?

Do you know what matters most to God? If you said "me", well you'd be wrong. Yes, Jesus died for you (John 3:16) Yes, you were designed for a purpose (Ephesians 2:10). One might surmise that we matter most to God. Yes, He did give...

Would David Hume attend your church?

I know what you're asking, why should I even care? I don't even know who David Hume is. Well, it's about time you knew and its vital you ask this question. Do you attend David Hume's church? Would He attend your church? David Hume (1711-1776)...